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PKL di BBPBAT Sukabumi

  • Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012
  • Luciana Indah
  • Label:
  • i want to tell my experience when work practices  ( pkl ) in BBPBAT , salabintana-sukabumi . i choose pkl in this place because the porch is large hall fisheries largest and having a commodity that many as the cultivation of tilapia , carp , catfishes , of fresh water lobster , patin fish , koi fish , toads , fish baung and carp . here also available some laboratory as the lab . the quality of water , the lab . feed , and the lab . quarantine fish .
    Wow its very fantastic experience. I got a lot of science there. I work for a month there, I worked very hard. I work from morning to afternoon. If you are harvesting the fish I worked hours 05.00 am or pm until 05.30 16.00 pm. But when there is an order of fish that is very much to the House of Commons, me and my friends will come back in the evening hours 21.00 am until 03.00 am for the packing of tilaphia.And tomorrow morning at 07.00 am to be working again. For the size of this woman is a tough job. So should prepare a fit body condition.
     ini gambar hatchery nya hoho, di pojok ada seperti dapur kan? nah, setelah bekerja kita main masak2an disitu.

    but i have friend who is very solider and friendly . my friend the other also the practice of derived from smk , unibraw , university . mulawarman , uin bandung , university pgri palembang south sumatera , and unila. 
    it's me lagi nyiapin kantong buat packing
    balai di pagi buta, 05.30 am
     tiap jumat waktunya senam semua warga BBPBAT
    kerja bakti abis senam tiap hari jumat
    seleksi induk di hatchery sedang menjaring

    ups..raisa tmn seperjuangan ketinggalan ( sry bgt sha....heu)

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